

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011


Money is a necessity in our everyday life. He who has little money, wants more and he who has more, wants to secure and protect it but how do we achieve this? 
The secret to wealthy has always been to acquire gold and precious metals to protect assets and wealth. Gold, in bullion form, has been around for 2600 years. Gold has always been used as a means of payment and a standard of wealth in over 194 countries. 

The questions you may have will probably include the following: How do I purchase gold, where do I purchase gold and what do I need to know when exchanging paper currency into gold? 

Currency gold bullions in its smallest denomination is the perfect form of protection from volatile economic times and provides an edge against daily expenditures while preserving your ability to purchase much needed items. This is especially true when government currencies are devalued or lose their value completely. Owning gold bullion is the best insurance available when the unexpected occurs. Currency gold bullions are inflation proof and have always retained their economic value. Insurance companies and governments may go bankrupt, but gold will continue preserving your assets now, and beyond to future generations. Currency in gold bullions is the best form of financial security when all else is lost. Gold bullions as a substitute metal currency will always retain its value. 

KB gold bullions in small kinebar quality ingots are exchangeable for daily goods and services, while larger denomination bullions are not easily divisible. In addition, the quality of KB gold bullions is second to none. KB provides recognizable certification for each bullion which is readily accepted around the globe. Each bullion is embossed within a signet and takes the shape of a credit card size. A hologram is attached on the reverse side of each kinebar as an added feature to ensure the security and authenticity of gold content of each bullion which is 999.9 pure 24 carat gold. 

In the event of water damage or damage from exposure to other natural elements, KB offers all its customers a free, lifetime exchange service for damaged cards. The card is a representation of certification for each bullion and should be preserved in its original form. 

  • Certified absolute value content, 999,9 pure 24 kt gold.
  • An asset in the event of global economic collapse.
  • An asset comparable to paper currency however, inflation proof.
  • An asset: Each gold bullion is acceptable as currency in 194 countries around the world.
  • An asset to protect yourself in times of crisis.
  • A value of preservation: Gold does not corrode. It preserves it glimmer and beauty for thousands of years.
Bullions in its smallest denomination give you flexibility, freedom and independence.

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011


Gold is money. This has been a fact since well before the introduction of paper banknotes. The public is generally unaware how currency came into being. What is certain is that without gold, there would never have been any form of currency anywhere in the world.
At one time, gold and other precious metals were the only means of trade throughout the world. Gold was considered a source for acceptable exchange or recognized as a method of payment for goods and services. As we progressed into the modern age, gold began to be stored in safes and vaults resulting in paper currency being circulated in its place. People accepted that this paper was secured by gold and that it corresponded to its exact face value.
The Gold Standard was introduced in 1821. In 1834, one US dollar had a parity value of 1.504632 grams of gold. The Gold Standard was abandoned in 1914 with the outbreak of World War 1. It was later re-established in 1928 but due to the relative scarcity of gold, The Gold-Exchange Standard was adopted by most countries supplementing gold reserves for currency dollars. In time, debt and rising interest rates forced an increase in the manufacture and circulation of paper currency and the disparity between the true value of gold and that of paper currency resulted in a scissor-like divergence.
With the devaluation of the dollar and growing debt, the Gold-Exchange Standard was unilaterally removed by former US President Nixon in 1971. This meant that direct convertibility of the United States dollar to gold was no longer needed. This act was known as the Nixon Shock. This led the way for governments to print as much paper currency as they required. The real value of money was lost.
Paper money is a product manufactured by human hands, which can be replaced at any time. “People who own gold, possess money in perpetuity.” This slogan was sent around the world and was quoted by none other than Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the US Federal Reserve (1987-2006).
In times when currency was scarce as was the case in Germany between 1945 and 1948, one could buy a house for five grams of gold and three grams of gold would provide for an entire family.
Gold is financial security for you and your family!